+57 304 458 76 43


beminimal, Medellin FAQs

Most frequent questions and answers

Getting to beminimal

Find us on Calle 36 No. 63-84. We’re a short walk from Exposiciones Metro station or Bus (Metroplus) station Plaza Mayor

If you choose our Self check-in online option, you can find here a complete guide of how to access to your room.

We don’t have designated building parking, but there is parking nearby in Plaza Mayor.

Also there is a street parking slots close to the hotel.

Your stay with us

You can make your experience easy and choose how to do your check-in:

  1. Self check-in (after your reservation): This option will provide you autonomous access to your room thanks to a key-code you will get through an e-mail
  2. Front desk check-in (at your arrival): meet our host and he/she will give you the key-code to access your room.

Check-in time is from 15:00.

You can make your experience easy and choose how to do your check-out:

  1. Self check-out: Cancel your bill through a link using your credit card and leave your room before 11:00
  2. Front desk check-out: Make a stop at your departure in the front desk and our host will give you the bill and will provide several paid methods. 

Check-out time is up to 11:00.

We have a locker room where you can leave your bags and the host will give you a receipt to claim your bags later.

Just ask our host at front desk and he will tell you where you can find this service just a block away. 

Ask at the front desk for this service, our host will be happy to help you.

Who need a gym when you have an amazing park outside, Parques del rio is perfect for a good sweat, you can do jogging, cycling, work out, etc.

If your are more a gym person there are plenty of great gyms and fitness studios around us. Hit up the front desk and they’ll give you a run-down of our favourite places.

Bookings, Amends and Cancellations

Our change and cancellation terms vary per type of booking, but many of our rates are fully cancellable when you book on our website. Please refer to the T&Cs displayed during the booking process and in your confirmation email.

If you have made a booking with us the best way is chatting with us through WhatsApp, you will find the contact in our web or in the your confirmed booking page.

Reservations must be guaranteed with a credit or debit card at the time of booking. Payment is taken upon check-out unless stated otherwise. Please refer to our payment policy and T&Cs when booking online.

Lofts & Rooms

We have two types of accommodation:

Rooms: 2 people
Lofts: 3 to 4 people 

You can find King beds, Queen beds, Twin beds, double sofa bed and/or single sofa bed, check it out in our rooms page for photos and more deets.

Of course, they must be accompanied by their parents or a responsible adult.

Kids, must be older than 2 years and will be charge as another person.

Yes! you can ask in our front desk and they will provide you one.


You can find the menu of the breakfast included here

At beminimal we do not offer room service.

Ask to the front desk and they will be happy to reserve you a table in our river town cafe.

Still got a

If you haven’t found the answer you need, fill out the enquiry form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Read The beminimal’s Privacy Policy.